Re-Think Your Thoughts

This past week was tough. Nothing bad happened, I just felt that way for no particular reason. That’s correct, I was emotional for no reason at all. Ladies, I know you can relate. That’s the power of the mind. But I really fell in a slump one day. I had another blog for you this week for the single series, but I really felt it was important to express this today. 


Whether you’re single, engaged, married, or getting a divorce: we must all learn to be thankful in the season we are in.

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I woke up last Friday in a nasty funk. Everything was making me upset. All that was around me was irritating. People were irritating. I just wanted things to be normal. I wanted to take a trip to KC to see my family because my flight had already been cancelled twice. I was upset I didn’t have a relationship or have any clue on who could be my husband at this present time. I just wanted to know what he looked like. I wanted a house to live in that was finely furnished. I wanted my stomach to be flat without having to worry about the fact that I ate pancakes. I was mad at myself for being 32 and feeling like I wasted a lot of my life being scared. I felt angry about the fact I didn’t know how much time I had left and like I was still moving slow.


I just felt my world caving in with one thought after the other and concerns that ultimately didn’t matter. 


Life is what it is. 


So here I am. And there I was. I had a decision in that moment to make. I knew those thoughts were not from God. I was either going to feed them or let them know who was actually in control. I had to remind myself of what I was thankful for, even if it wasn’t really how I “felt” at the moment.


I am thankful I woke up today.

I am thankful my family is safe.

I am thankful I have a place to stay.

I am thankful to still be able to work from home.

I am thankful for the food I have in the kitchen.

I am thankful that I’m healthy.


And then I reminded myself of who I was:


I am powerful.

I am bold.

I am a child of God.

I am trusting God.

I am protected by God.

I am creative.

I am walking in my gifts.

I am exactly where I am supposed to be in life, RIGHT NOW!


And so on. I kept repeating it to myself. I put it in the notes in my phone. Eventually, I “felt” as thankful as I was saying. It’s because I made a decision.


Do you know what you’re thinking about? Are you upset about uncertainty in the future? Take it one day at a time and remind yourself of what you can be thankful for today in this moment. Do you really think a person, place or thing will make you happy in the future? Learn to have that thankful mindset now, regardless of what may be going on. Your emotions can catch up. For now, make sure your mind is focused on the right things. 


Let me know in the comments what you are thankful for in this season!




Felicia Morgan