Single, Saved & Satisfied

Being saved and also single can sometimes look like a difficult task and for the most part it can be if you view it in a negative way. My name is Jeree and this is my encouragement to you while being single, saved and also satisfied along the journey. I first want to say that when you are really pursuing things that are bringing you closer to where you want to be while you are single, it takes deep dedication to stay motivated and to stay out of those stagnant places. Such as thinking that you need to be in a relationship at this time in your life. Or, making comparisons to someone else's life because they may or may not be closer to marriage than you are.


I found myself there a time or two. I've learned some deep rooted lessons by not living in a comparison state of mind while I'm single. The way that I stay humble in this single season of my life is I work on the things that I know are required of me. What does that look like?


  1. Making sure that I am completely healed from every bad habit that I carry from childhood within my adolescence and now into womanhood.

  2. Already knowing that I am a wife, not just by a title but, I walk in the office already as a wife serving God, and aligning myself to be made ready in the natural as a wife in waiting. I want you guys to reference proverbs 31 the entire chapter

  3. Making sure that I submit to God daily so that I can make sure that I am laying down my will and picking up his will daily.



Now here are some tough truths about being single and saved!


  • Sleeping alone! There is something to be said about the power of a woman who knows the authority of protecting the other side of her bed. Knowing that just anyone can not lay there, because God is preparing the one for her to come lead as head of the house.

  • Being happy with yourself while you're in your single season.

  • to position you into marriage, sometimes the wait can turn your heart bitter. You have to find yourself enjoying the little things in the wait that will make you smile as you continue to build love within yourself as you're waiting on God to sound the alarm for your future husband to find you.

  • Having faith big enough to wait on motherhood.

  • Building up your sister and you're single. This matters and I'm gonna tell you why.


When you celebrate another woman while she is crossing that pathway into marriage it is going to give you a really big heart check on where your strengths are and where your weaknesses are. Seeing these things does not make you a bad person, it just shows you your strengths and the weaknesses that you have within yourself. I remember going through a season of loneliness while being single and it really made me question why I was continuing down this road. Everybody was checking for me and God seemed to block out my attention towards them every time. When I would go places I'd be alone. But when I stepped out I made sure that I represented myself. When you represent yourself the right way, you can draw the wrong attention. Men know how a woman carries themselves whether she's taken, available or single.


My point is when you step out Single saved and satisfied you have to know that the anointing attracts. You have to be wise enough to turn down anything that is not lining up with the word of God because while we are yet single women waiting on God, we still have to work while we are waiting as single saved and satisfied. There is joy. Will you look at things with fresh insight, fresh strategy, fresh wisdom, and fresh knowledge that you can only get when you spend time working on you and staying in the face of God? Let's look at the life of Mary. Mary laid down the things that were going on in her day and she also paid close attention to allow Jesus to minister to her. (See Luke 10:39)





You have to get in alignment with the routine and rhythm of your singleness. What that looks like is building your relationship with God even deeper and also maintaining self-awareness of all the positive aspects that you are learning about yourself while being saved, single and satisfied where you are. Chin-up sis, you are not walking in singleness alone! Remember that God is holding your hand. He is protecting you and blocking everything that is not in alignment with His purpose for your life.


Reasons why you should never conform to what others say about you. 


You also have to remember that being single does not always equate to rushing into marriage and I just have to speak on this. Marriage is ministry and coming together as one knowing how to pray for the man that God gives you does not necessarily start when that man finds you. It starts when you are in your day to day not even thinking about a man, not even thinking about when God is going to send him, but it's how you strategize and become the whole woman that God has birthed you to be while you're single. 


I want you to love the moments that you were creating within your singlehood as a woman. Be grateful for where you are and for where God is leading you. You have to remember to whom much is given much is required. For a deeper understanding please see Luke 12:48


Spiritual discipline, will and, growth will lead you to know that true genuine relationships are from God. When you don’t have to worry, settle or complain you know the worth of your prayers that were answered. but were prayed many years ago.


 Activate your discernment Listen the reason why some folks do not like you is because you’re pressure, and they do not like it. Never turn down the volume of your voice to benefit them. They heard you the first time and they chose not to heed the warning. You better still walk boldly in God because He called & chose you not them.



A final word of encouragement


Dry season's are the worst... I often hear people complaining about this season.

Let me tell you about the true experience of a dry season! You can redevelop your heart posture in this dry place.

There's so much discovery that can happen in dry places, and the experiences may defer from day to day but I want to send out a word to you on today to maintain your vow to God even when things aren't adding up the way you think they ought to be adding up.


Make room for more, and experience the joy from the littlest things along your journey in reaching your full destiny in the Kingdom.
